Unfortunately we can not track in real-time the serial number availability. When you place your order we will try to ship you the requested number, please mention it in the order note. We will happily ship you this particular serial number, but we can not promise we will succeed in doing so – because it might be already sold or taken by a previously received order.
We do not provide modification to our original reference designs, nor we endorse this kind of alteration. We believe that keeping your Unimatic unaltered is the best way to preserve its identity and collectable value for the future. We hope you can find some other reference you can be interested in the available references.
All our watches are limited editions only, which means when there are sold out they will not be available anymore.
We strongly advice to buy your preferred reference before it’s too late.
At the moment the only active discount we have is the free shipping worldwide, we don’t have any other discount coupon codes.
We can assure you that our design team is constantly working on developing the next Unimatic watch.
Please follow us on our social channels to be the first to know about all our future releases.
No, we don’t offer spare parts. We can service your watch in our lab. Please check with us to receive a quote on the repair.
There is no need to wind your Unimatic watch if it is worn daily. Moving your wrist throughout your day provides a constant and stable power source. When you take it off and set it aside it can retain its charge for up to 41 hours. To get it going, simply wind the movement manually by unscrewing the crown on position 1 and turn it clockwise 50 times. Please remember to screw the crown back down properly against the case in order to guarantee waterproofness
You need to expose your watch to direct sunlight or any other UV source. That would help the luminosity of the lume.
If the watch has been is complete darkness the lume won’t work at its best.
As Unimatic watches use mechanical hand-wound movements, they do require servicing but not as regularly as you might
think. We recommend having a professional take a look every 3-5 years just to ensure your
Unimatic timepiece runs smoothly and lasts a lifetime.